→ https://github.com/TCM-Course-Resources/Open-Source-Intellingence-Resources
OSINT is a multi-methods methodology for collecting, analyzing and making decisions about data accessible in publicy available sources to be used in an intellifence context.
Intelligence Lifecycle
- Planning and Direction
- Collection
- Processing and Exploitation
- Analysis and Production
- Dissemination and Integration
Sock Puppets
The point of Sock puppet is to not draw attention to yourself. So, create fake accounts, fake credentials, fake identity. etc
Creating an Effective Sock Puppet for OSINT Investigations – Introduction: https://jakecreps.com/sock-puppets/
The Art Of The Sock: https://www.secjuice.com/the-art-of-the-sock-osint-humint/
Reddit - My process for setting up anonymous sockpuppet accounts: https://www.reddit.com/r/OSINT/comments/dp70jr/my_process_for_setting_up_anonymous_sockpuppet/
Fake Name Generator: https://www.fakenamegenerator.com/
This Person Does not Exist: https://www.thispersondoesnotexist.com/
Privacy.com: https://privacy.com/join/LADFC - *Referral link. We each get $5 credit on sign up.
Creating Sock Puppet
- Come up with a persona for the sockpuppet account
- Use fake name generator = ‘https://www.fakenamegenerator.com/’
- Use This Person does not exist to create a image in AI = ‘https://www.thispersondoesnotexist.com/’
- Get a burner phone, any brand that accept a mint mobile SIM card
- Get a burner credit card from = https://privacy.com/
- Set up amazon account.
- Buy two Mint Mobile SIM cards
- Send to an Amazon Pickup box, which can be anonymous
- Get a VPN that u can set to the physical area the same as your sockpuppet
- Set up the Mint Mobile trial account somewhere away from your home
- Use the Mint Mobile to set up all websites u need
- At least a google and protonmal account
- After that, set up all the accounts with your trial mint SIM, set up 2FA on all accounts
- After the 2FA, change the phone number to one you have more permanent access such as MySudo or Google Voice
- Make sure everything works
- Destroy the SIM card
- Wipe the phone.
Search Engine Operators
Google - https://www.google.com/
Google Advanced Search - https://www.google.com/advanced_search
Google Search Guide - http://www.googleguide.com/print/adv_op_ref.pdf
Bing - https://www.bing.com/
Bing Search Guide - https://www.bruceclay.com/blog/bing-google-advanced-search-operators/
Yandex - https://yandex.com/
DuckDuckGo - https://duckduckgo.com/
DuckDuckGo Search Guide - https://help.duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/results/syntax/
Baidu - http://www.baidu.com/
Common Google Options = Same as using advanced search
- intext:<term that shows inside a webpage>
- inurl:<term that shows in url>
- intitle:<term that show in title of articles>
- site:<example.com>
- filetype:pdf, docx, xlxs, etc
- # <exclude some term of the search>
+ # <add some term to the search>
“” # <search specifics terms>
Reverse Image Searching
Google Image Search: https://images.google.com
Yandex: https://yandex.com
TinEye: https://tineye.com
Viewing EXIF (exchangeable image file) Data
→ http://exif.regex.info/exif.cgi
Physical Location OSINT
Look at satelites images, street view
On site reconassaince with drones
Geographical Locations
GeoGuessr: https://www.geoguessr.com
GeoGuessr: The Top Tips, Tricks and Techniques
→ https://somerandomstuff1.wordpress.com/2019/02/08/geoguessr-the-top-tips-tricks-and-techniques/’
Hunter.io: https://hunter.io/
Phonebook.cz; https://phonebook.cz/
VoilaNorbert: https://www.voilanorbert.com/
Email Hippo: https://tools.verifyemailaddress.io/
Email Checker: https://email-checker.net/validate
Clearbit Connect: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clearbit-connect-supercha/pmnhcgfcafcnkbengdcanjablaabjplo?hl=en
Same lesson:
Reconnaissance from PEH
Password OSINT
Hunting Breached Password
Dehashed: https://dehashed.com/
WeLeakInfo: https://weleakinfo.to/v2/
LeakCheck: https://leakcheck.io/
SnusBase: https://snusbase.com/
Scylla.sh: https://scylla.sh/
HaveIBeenPwned: https://haveibeenpwned.com/
Hunting Usernames and Accounts
NameChk: https://namechk.com/
WhatsMyName: https://whatsmyname.app/
NameCheckup: https://namecheckup.com/
Search for People
WhitePages: https://www.whitepages.com/
TruePeopleSearch: https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/
FastPeopleSearch: https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/
FastBackgroundCheck: https://www.fastbackgroundcheck.com/
WebMii: https://webmii.com/
PeekYou: https://peekyou.com/
411: https://www.411.com/
Spokeo: https://www.spokeo.com/
That’sThem: https://thatsthem.com/
Voter Records: https://www.voterrecords.com
Phone Numbers:
TrueCaller: https://www.truecaller.com/
CallerID Test: https://calleridtest.com/
Infobel: https://infobel.com/
Discovering Birthdates:
google = “name or username” intext:”happy birthday” site:twitter, face, linkedin etc
Searching Resumes:
google = “name” resume site: linkedin.com
Social Media OSINT
"" = specific terms
from:<user> since:<year-month-day> until:<Y-M-D>
geocode:<lat, lon, radius>
advanced search
Social Bearing - https://socialbearing.com/
Twitonomy - https://www.twitonomy.com/
Sleeping Time - http://sleepingtime.org/
Mentionmapp - https://mentionmapp.com/
Tweetbeaver - https://tweetbeaver.com/
Spoonbill.io - http://spoonbill.io/
Tinfoleak - https://tinfoleak.com/
TweetDeck - https://tweetdeck.com/
Sowdust Github - https://sowdust.github.io/fb-search/
IntelligenceX Facebook Search - https://intelx.io/tools?tab=facebook
Wopita - https://wopita.com/
Code of a Ninja - https://codeofaninja.com/tools/find-instagram-user-id/
InstaDP - https://www.instadp.com/
ImgInn - https://imginn.com/
Snapchat Maps - https://map.snapchat.com
Website OSINT
BuiltWith - https://builtwith.com/
Domain Dossier - https://centralops.net/co/
DNSlytics - https://dnslytics.com/reverse-ip
SpyOnWeb - https://spyonweb.com/
Virus Total - https://www.virustotal.com/
Visual Ping - https://visualping.io/
Back Link Watch - http://backlinkwatch.com/index.php
View DNS - https://viewdns.info/
Search for reverse ip lookup, whois, dns report, ip location finder, port scanner, etc
Pentest-Tools Subdomain Finder - https://pentest-tools.com/information-gathering/find-subdomains-of-domain#
Spyse - https://spyse.com/
crt.sh - https://crt.sh/
Shodan - https://shodan.io
Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/
Hunting Businesses
Open Corporates - https://opencorporates.com/
AI HIT - https://www.aihitdata.com/
indeed - https://br.indeed.com/
- Go to linkedin
search for:
information, location, etc
in google:
site:linkedin.com/in/ “* at company”
Wireless OSINT
WiGLE - https://wigle.net/
Lab building
VMWare Workstation Player - https://www.vmware.com/ca/products/workstation-player/workstation-player-evaluation.html
VirtualBox - https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
TraceLabs OSINT VM - https://www.tracelabs.org/initiatives/osint-vm
TraceLabs OSINT VM Installation Guide - https://download.tracelabs.org/Trace-Labs-OSINT-VM-Installation-Guide-v2.pdf
Working with Tools
Image and Location OSINT
apt install libimage-exiftool-perl
Emails and breachead Data
breach-parse - https://github.com/hmaverickadams/breach-parse
theHarvester -d tesla.com -b google -l 500
# -d = domain
# -b - source
# -l = length
./breach-parse.sh @tesla.com tesla.txt
h8mail -t shark@tesla.com -bc "/opt/breach-parse/BreachCompilation/" -sk
Username and Account OSINT
whatsmyname -u <username>
sherlock <username>
Phone Number OSINT
phoneinfoga scan -n 14082492815
phoneinfoga serve -p 8080
Social Media OSINT
pip3 install --upgrade -e git+https://github.com/twintproject/twint.git@origin/master#egg=twint
pip3 install --upgrade aiohttp_socks
- Twint - https://github.com/twintproject/twint
-u = user
-s = somethin the user specifically said
--since "Y-M-D hour:min:sec"
Website OSINT
- wappalyzer firefox extension
- whatweb
whois <domain>
nano ~/.bashrc
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
source ~/.bashrc
- go get -u github.com/tomnomnom/httprobe
- go get -u github.com/tomnomnom/assetfinder
- GO111MODULE=on go get -u -v github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder/v2/cmd/subfinder
- go get -u github.com/sensepost/gowitness
- export GO111MODULE=on
- go get -v github.com/OWASP/Amass/v3/…
subfinder -d <domain>
assetfinder <domain>
amass enum -d <domain>
cat <domain>.txt | sort -u | httprobe -s -p https:443
gowitness file -f ./alive.txt -P ./pics --no-http
Subfinder - https://github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder
Assetfinder - https://github.com/tomnomnom/assetfinder
httprobe - https://github.com/tomnomnom/httprobe
Amass - https://github.com/OWASP/Amass
GoWitness - https://github.com/sensepost/gowitness/wiki/Installation
Exploring OSINT Frameworks
- FinalRecon
- LittleBrother
- Maltego
- recon-ng
- Marketplace search
marketplace install <module>
modules load <module>
options set SOURCE <domain>
show hosts
profiler module
- Sn0int
- Spiderfoot
- WikiLeaker
Extra tool
Hunchly - https://hunch.ly
its a chrome extension works like burp, you activate and then go to web to search pages while the hunchly get data that we want
photon -u <domain>
Automating Website OSINT
if [ ! -d "$domain" ];then
mkdir $domain
if [ ! -d "$info_path" ];then
mkdir $info_path
if [ ! -d "$subdomain_path" ];then
mkdir $subdomain_path
if [ ! -d "$screenshot_path" ];then
mkdir $screenshot_path
echo -e "${RED} [+] Checkin' who it is...${RESET}"
whois $1 > $info_path/whois.txt
echo -e "${RED} [+] Launching subfinder...${RESET}"
subfinder -d $domain > $subdomain_path/found.txt
echo -e "${RED} [+] Running assetfinder...${RESET}"
assetfinder $domain | grep $domain >> $subdomain_path/found.txt
#echo -e "${RED} [+] Running Amass. This could take a while...${RESET}"
#amass enum -d $domain >> $subdomain_path/found.txt
echo -e "${RED} [+] Checking what's alive...${RESET}"
cat $subdomain_path/found.txt | grep $domain | sort -u | httprobe -prefer-https | grep https | sed 's/https\?:\/\///' | tee -a $subdomain_path/alive.txt
echo -e "${RED} [+] Taking dem screenshotz...${RESET}"
gowitness file -f $subdomain_path/alive.txt -P $screenshot_path/ --no-http
Additional Resources
TraceLabs - https://www.tracelabs.org/
Innocent Lives Foundation - https://www.innocentlivesfoundation.org/
Alethe Denis - https://twitter.com/AletheDenis
Joe Gray - https://twitter.com/C_3PJoe
IntelTechniques - https://inteltechniques.com/
OSINT Flowcharts - https://inteltechniques.com/blog/2018/03/06/updated-osint-flowcharts/