Recent posts
2 - Bloodhound
BloodHound is a versatile and powerful tool for AD enumeration and analysis.
1 - Powershell
Starting with Powershell for AD Exploitation!
15 - Attacking LDAP
First the Fundamentals, then Exploitation!
14 - APIs & Cloud Apps
Attacking APIs & Cloud Based Applications
13 - Authentication & SSO
Attacking JWT, OAuth, SAML and Bypassing 2FA
12 - Attacking Crypto
Padding Oracle, Hash Length Extension, Leveraging MachineKey and More
11 - Server Side Attacks
SSRF, SSI, XSLT attacks and More
10 - Attacking Serialization
Attacking Serialization in Java, PHP and .NET
9 - XML Attacks
Tag Injection, XXE, Xpath Injection and More
8 - SQLI Filter Evasion
Bypassing Keyword and Function Filters
7 - SQL Injection
Learn techniques of exploitation for Mysql, MSSQL and Oracle Databases
6 - HTML5
How to exploit the new features of HTML5
5 - Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
Discovering, Execution and Bypass techniques
4 - XSS Filter Evasion
Bypass blacklisting Filters, sanitization and Browser Filters
3 - Cross-site scripting (XSS)
How to discover and exploit a XSS vulnerability